there is hope !!
| Alcoholism information and virtual support We provide support to those people being influenced by alcohol abuse. At this stage the intention is to provide information and web based support only. Detail of the vision.
3 Pieces of Critical KnowledgeAlcoholism is ... CHRONIC. It can last a lifetime without help and treatment. PROGRESSIVE. It will not get better with time and it will not go away. It gets progressively worse. INCURABLE. A patient recovered from alcoholism can never go back to "normal" drinking.
Back to index. Disclaimer: Although reasonable effort has been applied to maintain the integrity of the data and advice on this site, no responsibility can be accepted for the use thereof. It is a resource guide for understanding and managing alcoholism. The information on this site is provided "as is" for general information and is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis or treatment recommendation of a qualified health care professional. Enquiries regarding this web site should be directed to |